City life poses lot of challenges like space, convenience, accessibility etc. to perform vaidiha karma post sanjayanam at their respective home/flats (Sanjayanam – funeral ceremony in which the ashes and bones of a cremated body are collected, sprinkled with milk and thrown into sacred waters). A lot mentioned / prescribed in our dharma shashtra about post death ceremonies and the libations to be offered.
Nowadays many societies have started objecting to perform such rites in society premises or flats. Our community people are in lookout for facilities where they can perform such rites with shradha and peacefulness as mentioned in our dharma shastra.
Brahmana Seva Samiti has built an Apara Kriya Centre in Mulund East to perform such rites as prescribed in our Dharma Shastra. This centre is easily accessible by road and train. The centre has 4 furnished rooms equipped with brass utensils, cooking gas, bathroom facilities, geyser for hot water etc. A pond behind the apara kriya centre for Pinda disposal is the silverlining.